New symphonyproject “Tango del Ángel” 2018

I was blessed with a 3 months scholarship in St. Petersburg, Russia in the beginning of this year. During this period I had some fantastic concerts both in St. Petersburg and Moscow. My main work during this time was the arrangement and orchestration of a program for bandoneon and full symphony orchestra concisting of Piazzolla’s Angel- and Diablo -suites as well works like Tango Ballet a.o. Writing by day and night and going to concerts, operas and ballets at the Marinski Theatre, Mikhailovsky Theatre, St. Petersburg Philharmony and St. Petersburg Capella in the evenings I was completely enchanted by this beautiful city and it’s people, culture and history. The program I arranged and orchestrated is called “Tango del Ángel” and it has a very deep significance to me personally, reflecting on and dealing with inner struggle, growth and liberation of the human soul. The premiere was in Kuopio with Kuopio Symphony orchestra in April 2018 and different versions have since been perfomed with Jyväskylä Sinfonia, Lapland Chamber Orchestra and St. Michel Strings.